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Overview of Seminar on Pesticide Residue organized by PBHF in collaboration with REAP at Lahore on 19/03/2024

Overview of Seminar on Pesticide Residue organized by Pakistan Basmati Heritage Foundation (PBHF) in collaboration with Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan (REAP) at Lahore on 19th March, 2024. The said seminar was organized for the awareness and to educate farmers, shellers and all stakeholders to avoid unregistered pesticides, contamination on rice crop & to safeguard rice trade. On this occasion, Mr. Haseeb Ali Khan Acting Chairman REAP briefed on pesticide issue in presence of DG Agriculture Extension Punjab, DG Pest Warning. It was urged by the experts to use Aluminum Phosphide for fumigation in warehouses and use of following pesticides for spraying purpose in fields: 1. Radiant 2. Decis Super 3. Delta Metharine 4. Cypermethrin Pir Syed Nazim Hussain Shah, Leader of North Zone and Ch. Samee Ullah Naeem, MC Member REAP, Sheikh Adnan, MAP Rice Mills seconded the issues highlighted by Mr. Haseeb Ali Khan & showed his concern to resolve the issue. Mr. Ali Narang, MC Member REAP also apprised that European Union (EU) is a very important market for Pakistan and its need of hour to sit & resolve pesticide issues so that we may export to the world smoothly. The seminar was attended by large number of REAP Members, Government Officials, Farmers, Shellers and all stakeholders based in Punjab Province and agreed to share the knowledge of this seminar to others to safeguard rice exports of Pakistan.

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