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The Company has its own storage capability; a warehouse spread over an area of 80,000 square feet. It is strategically located near a road network that connects to shipping ports and container terminals. This enables Noble Traders to have a efficient and timely logistics approach thereby having no issues in meeting vessel deadlines.

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Rice re-processing/polishing plant

The management always believes in offering total solutions to its customers therefore, it has its own processing plant and a warehouse spread over an area of 80,000 square feet. Most of the production is undertaken in-house, presently the company has the capacity to process 100 MT/day of value added Rice (double polished/silky polished/sortexed) in its plant and have plans to double the capacity by 2014. Similarly it can process rice manually (25% Regular Polished through sieves) 1000 MT/ day under its roof.

High tech Enterprise Resource Planning software assists the team in tracking the minute detailing of every order.

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